• The start of the labor courts within two years after Muharram


    The start of the labor courts within two years after Muharram


    Minister of Labour Adel Faqih revealed that the completion of the subordination of all bodies Settlement of Labor Disputes of the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of Labour, in preparation for the start of the labor courts at the beginning of Muharram 1438 AH.

    He added, after the inauguration of a workshop to take advantage of the codes of decisions and principles of labor, yesterday, in the presence of the Minister of Justice Dr. Walid Al Samaani, a large number of judges and interested people , «that blogging , decisions and labor provisions issued by the labor body step towards judicial Laborers working document, a moving steps now coordinating with the Ministry of Justice to be completed over the next year, so we can move the judicial laboring work responsibilities to the Supreme Judicial Council, in coordination with the Ministry of Justice, similar to what is now the organization of the judiciary in general and the implementation of the Royal Order in this regard ».

    He pointed out that the Ministry of Labour has worked the past two years to develop the settlement of labor disputes and increase the number of those organizations, both primary or upper organizations and providing them with new members with the completion of their training, to be able to shorten the duration of the litigation between the workers and the employer, this deployment of blogs step come to promote transparency in litigation and to enable employers and judges and beneficiaries of recognition of judicial decisions.


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